Winner announced for AfDB “African Utility of the Future” Competition

Winning company Konexa named during final panel of Africa Energy Form 2020, receiving prize fund of USD $5,000. The competition inspired team-building and innovative ideas to transform current utilities into Advanced, Futuristic, SMART, Sustainable and Agile African Power Utilities. The overarching principle was to create a platform for current and aspiring asset-owners to come up…

Winner announced for AfDB “African Utility of the Future” Competition

Winning company Konexa named during final panel of Africa Energy Form 2020, receiving prize fund of USD $5,000. The competition inspired team-building and innovative ideas to transform current utilities into Advanced, Futuristic, SMART, Sustainable and Agile African Power Utilities. The overarching principle was to create a platform for current and aspiring asset-owners to come up…